Sunday, 29 May 2011

Old Macdonald had a farm...

hello my lovelies

as you do I had a creative streak the other day moulding my little creations till my fingers fell off!

theres new listings in my shop farm animals so to speak! and to make things even better my dear friend gave me a really good idea for my next theme *drum rolls* the Chinese Zodiac :D I've already made a ram so I just need to make the other 11 :D woooo!

so as promised here are my newest creations for you to aweee at

Cutie lil mouse

Moomoo Cow Necklace

Fluffy Lil Ram

Pretty Piggy

Cutie Duckie

Cutie Chicken

looking back now from when i first started I must comment that I have greatly improved and established my design, my collection of jewellery that all go together :) thank you everyone for your support! really really appreciate it!! 



  1. awww sooo cuuute hehe :P i'd love a donkey one i love donkeys xD
